气候变化是威尼斯电玩城手游这个时代最紧迫的社会问题之一,需要每个公司都采取可信和具体的行动, governments 和 individuals—to see real 和 positive change.
威尼斯电玩城手游的 role in the energy transition will involve diversifying our energy portfolio, 投资创新技术,制定可实现的可持续发展和温室气体减排目标,推动威尼斯电玩城手游的组织和行业走向更可持续的未来.
- We are a signatory to the Methane Guiding Principles 和 strive to continually reduce methane emissions.
- In 2021, we set GHG emissions reductions targets with two main goals:
- Reduce the GHG emissions intensity of our operations by 30 per cent by 2030; 和,
- Position to achieve net zero emissions from our operations by 2050.
- We invest millions of dollars each year in the advancement 和 research of new technologies.
- We collaborate with industry 和 government partners to advance environmental stewardship across the energy industry.
- We support environment-focused non-profit organizations through our community giving program.
We have many activities underway to reduce emissions 和 develop solutions for the future — for example, leak detection 和 repair programs, natural gas pipeline modernization 和 electrification programs, solar 和 battery storage projects, pumped hydro storage projects, transportation of renewable natural gas, 和 promising possibilities for developing carbon capture 和 storage solutions.
For more information, see our GHG Emissions Reduction Plan, Report on Reliability of Methane Emissions Disclosure 和 Report on Climate-related Lobbying.
Spotlight on: Methane emissions reductions
During maintenance, 使用下拉式压缩机(如左图所示)和热水龙头程序帮助威尼斯电玩城手游捕获和回收甲烷排放. 在操作过程中, 威尼斯电玩城手游的逸散排放检查和泄漏修复计划使威尼斯电玩城手游能够识别管道和压缩机站阀以及其他组件的泄漏,以帮助减少天然气的释放.
威尼斯电玩城手游正在投资新技术,以改善对阀门现场天然气管道逸散排放数据的跟踪, meter stations 和 compressor stations. 该技术将改善操作和监管报告活动,从而提高计划维护活动的能力.
Investing in leading-edge technology
TC Energy is pursuing a novel, utility-scale solar-plus-storage electricity generation facility near Aldersyde, 阿尔伯塔省, with support from Emissions Reductions 阿尔伯塔省. 该项目将使用最先进的双面太阳能电池板,双面利用反射地面覆盖的间接阳光,如阿尔伯塔省冬季被雪覆盖的地面. 液流电池存储技术还将允许太阳能存储长达8小时,以备电力需求高峰时使用.
该创新项目将通过生产零排放的可再生能源,直接为温室气体减排带来效益,以满足3个国家的需求,000个家庭. The project will also help prove the technical 和 commercial viability of these technologies for wider scale adoption.
Learn more about our Climate Change 和 可持续性 commitments.
We have robust climate governance 和 risk management processes, overseen by TC Energy’s Board of Directors 和 executive leadership team. Please see the information on climate governance, risks 和 opportunities in our annual Report on 可持续性.
Does TC Energy’s strategic planning include consideration of climate change? Does the company utilize scenario analysis as part of its planning?
威尼斯电玩城手游了解股东和其他利益相关者希望了解公司如何应对气候变化和相关风险. 威尼斯电玩城手游在年度环境、社会和治理数据表和温室气体减排计划中概述了公司如何应对与气候变化和能源转型相关的长期风险和机遇的具体战略方向.
We recognize that future energy systems will evolve. 多年来,威尼斯电玩城手游根据一系列潜在的能源供需结果评估了威尼斯电玩城手游资产组合的弹性, also known as scenario analysis, as part of our strategic planning process. We believe our existing 和 future asset portfolio is resilient 和 well-positioned to embrace the energy transition, tolerate disruptions 和 adapt to external changes or uncertainties. We monitor the pace 和 magnitude of energy transition through various signposts 和 look for material shifts that pose threats or create opportunities; each year evaluating the scenarios that will best inform our strategy.
What is TC Energy’s approach to carbon management – specifically regarding methane emissions?
As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including the ongoing management of our own GHG emissions. We are committed to managing our GHG emissions, reducing our GHG emissions intensity 和 continuing to integrate climate considerations into our overall business strategy.
TC Energy is a proud signatory to the Methane Guiding Principles. 这些原则侧重于减少天然气价值链中甲烷排放的优先行动领域.
威尼斯电玩城手游的 GHG Emissions Reduction Plan provides more details on how we are modernizing our systems 和 assets to reduce fugitive methane emissions, 泄漏, venting 和 flaring associated with regular operations 和 maintenance, 和 improving overall operational efficiency. We are also looking to decarbonize our own energy consumption by seeking low-carbon energy sources to support our operations.
How are you collaborating with industry 和 policy-makers to address climate change 和 reduce methane emissions?
We collaborate with industry 和 government partners to enhance the safety, efficiency 和 reliability of our operations 和 assets, 和 are supporting, advancing 和 embracing the energy transition across our industry.
威尼斯电玩城手游的会员资格和与北美行业组织的合作伙伴关系为联邦和全球应对气候变化做出了贡献. We engage with government 和 stakeholder representatives on climate change policy developments, 和 fund research for GHG emissions reduction opportunities.
For example, we are participants in the U.S. 环境al Protection Agency 天然气 STAR program; we are a member company in the Interstate 天然气 Association of America Methane Emission Commitment; 和 we are one of 50 members in the ONE Future Coalition, 一组天然气公司共同努力,自愿减少天然气供应链中的甲烷排放.
Do you track 和 share publicly TC Energy’s greenhouse gas emissions?
威尼斯电玩城手游的 historic GHG emissions data is available in our annual Report on 可持续性.
What is the company’s stance on carbon policy?
威尼斯电玩城手游认识到管理机构有兴趣通过实施各种碳政策和监管机制来减少温室气体排放. 威尼斯电玩城手游支持承认气候变化全球性质的政策,并促进减少温室气体强度和绝对排放量,以增进人类现在和未来的福祉, considering the need for affordable, reliable energy 和 economic growth.
威尼斯电玩城手游支持通过与政策制定者和行业同行进行对话来制定明智和有凝聚力的公共政策框架,以帮助威尼斯电玩城手游的行业充分参与北美威尼斯电玩城游戏下载气候变化的讨论. 进一步, we contribute to a unified North American response through memberships in industry organization, engagement with government 和 stakeholder representatives on climate change policy developments, 和 funding research into GHG emissions reduction opportunities.