Meet Nathan, 血部落的成员和土著遗产奖学金的获得者. 了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载内森如何在重返学校后找到新的目标和动力.
来认识一下Loretta,她是Bigstone Cree Nation的成员,也是土著遗产奖学金的获得者. 了解更多威尼斯电玩城游戏下载洛丽塔如何踏上学术之旅,这使她重新发现并与她的文化根源建立更深的联系.
Native Fest celebrates Native American culture
这是能源行业的一个重要社区,被称为“世界管道的十字路口”,” Cushing, 俄克拉何马州是一个文化丰富的地区,是许多土著群体的家园,每年的秋季节日称为“土著节”,将所有人聚集在一起.
A celebration of Native American culture, TC Energy has sponsored Native Fest annually 自2015年成立以来,作为威尼斯电玩城手游与土著群体建立有意义关系的持续承诺的一部分.
Empowering the young adults of Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation
Grounded in spiritual, emotional and traditional teachings, 亚历克西斯·纳科塔苏族部落的年轻女性维亚米项目为年轻女性提供知识,让她们为自己和家人做出健康和赋权的生活选择. The program, sponsored by TC Energy for two years, runs for three months, twice a year and includes sessions on nutrition, financial literacy, traditional sewing and the Stoney language. Following the success of the program, in 2019, the program became open to all interested Nation members.
Bringing communities together in Mexico
马德雷山脉之间坐落着墨西哥最广阔的管道系统之一. The region is also home to numerous Raramuri communities. As part of our ongoing work in the region, we hosted an Indigenous cultural festival which brought together more than 1,200 Raramuri community members to showcase their music, food, arts and crafts. 社区成员亦有机会透过互动游戏和视听体验,了解管道建设和安全标准的不同方面.